


abbreviation for

  1. Linguistics. second language.
  2. Astronomy. the second Lagrangian point.

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Orbiting the sun at a gravitationally fixed point called L2, Webb will be too far from Earth to repair, and will need to burn small amounts of fuel to stay in position.

Once at L2, the telescope will spend another five months turning on and testing its scientific instruments before collecting data.

According to data from L2, a political data firm, the estimated composition of the Georgia electorate overall is 44 percent Democrats and 27 percent Republican.

By the end of the day, about 201 million people were registered to vote, according to L2, a political data firm.

L2 is one of the largest companies trading in this information, and it claims to have more than 600 data attributes pulled from census data, emails from commercial sources, donor data sets, and more.

Therefore the weight of l and r, now represented by the masses l2, r2, is distributed over the whole of the capital.

Your father takes, we say, fifty shares at L50 each, paying only an instalment of L2 a share.

The carriage runs by means of its cast-iron grooved wheels, upon the cast-iron railway l2, which is fixed level on the floor.

These planes intersect in p2, so that p2 is a line on the quadric cone generated by the axial pencils l1 and l2.

In Zeppelin L2, which was a later type of craft, there were four motors capable of developing 820 horse-power.



