

National Transportation Safety Board


, U.S. Government.
  1. an independent agency, created in 1975, that promotes safe transportation in the U.S. through accident investigations, studies, and recommendations. : NTSB

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A National Transportation Safety Board investigation quickly zeroed in on the widening wheelset of the fourth axle on rail car No.

Nationwide, Part 135 flights had a fatal crash rate 75 times higher than Part 121 flights in the past decade, according to National Transportation Safety Board reports.

Federal authorities including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the crash.

A National Transportation Safety Board investigation will deliver a forensic rigor that has been so far lacking.

The National Transportation Safety Board also will investigate the crash, a spokesman told The Daily Beast.

After his return to the United States, Gillespie took the discovery to the National Transportation Safety Board lab.

In 2013, for instance, the National Transportation Safety Board documented 92 aviation accidents in Alaska, and 35 people died.

A new National Transportation Safety Board report suggests that the risk of such an event were seriously underestimated.





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