

View synonyms for night shift

night shift

[ nahyt shift ]


  1. the workforce, as of a factory, scheduled to work during the nighttime.
  2. the scheduled period of labor for this workforce.

night shift


  1. a group of workers who work a shift during the night in an industry or occupation where a day shift or a back shift is also worked
  2. the period worked

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Word History and Origins

Origin of night shift1

First recorded in 1700–10

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Example Sentences

It was the afternoon, but he had been sleeping off his night shift.

The only time I have actually felt rested in my entire life were a couple months of night shift work in college.

“I know everybody thinks I’m an idiot for staying in the relationship,” said Lindsey, 31, tearful and struggling to speak at times in a Wednesday interview after her night shift as a waitress.

She told me she recently got an offer from UPS, but she stayed with Amazon despite difficult conditions that include being on her feet for entire night shifts.

From Time

I've used my influence—you don't know what a pull I've got around here—and I can name my man for the late night-shift.

The night-shift boys can't sleep in their hot little houses—-they look as if they'd all been on a two weeks' tear.

Her tiny night-shift was gathered into a wisp round her neck and she moaned in her sleep.

Thrice, on the night-shift, underneath in the saw-pit, Old Tarwater fainted.

Lots of times we work night-shift—when it's daytime on this side of Vesta.





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