

perfect flower

/ pûrfĭkt /

  1. A flower having both stamens and carpels. Most angiosperms have perfect flowers.

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Example Sentences

In fact, you could call Kari Swenson a proper belle of Bozeman, the perfect flower of the New West.

It is all pure beauty—a perfect flower from the fruitful tree of his genius at the height of its power.

Now, without having completed that romance—a very perfect flower—could he cast it aside?

Long reaches of green moist land form perfect flower-gardens, whose variety of bloom changes with every month.

How is it possible to have a perfect flower—a healthy, normal and wholesome sprout from a diseased root?

Proterandry, prot-e-ran′dri, n. the maturity of the anthers of a perfect flower before its stigma is ready to receive the pollen.





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