

Prince Albert


  1. a city in central Saskatchewan, in S Canada.
  2. a long, double-breasted frock coat.

Prince Albert


  1. a man's double-breasted frock coat worn esp in the early 20th century

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Example Sentences

Monaco’s Princess Charlene only returned to the principality last week after spending six months separated from Prince Albert in her homeland of South Africa—but, this week, she abruptly left once more.

Queen Victoria, the first monarch to move in, found the place unfinished and there were no rooms fit to be children’s nurseries—she and Prince Albert were proved to be prolific as parents, having nine children.

He was not the first Queen’s Consort in British history—Queen Victoria’s Prince Albert will likely remain the most famous for centuries to come, thanks for example to the museum that jointly bears their names.

From Time

Through his private secretary Prince Albert acknowledged with thanks the receipt of his copy, and promised to read it.

Her Majesty has not been called to the bar; but Prince Albert in due course became a barrister and bencher.

His next 234 son, Prince Albert, is now the heir to the throne.

The queen and Prince Albert wrote to congratulate the chancellor of the exchequer.

Yes, said Prince Albert, and let us also invite competition from foreign countries on equal terms with native products.





princePrince Albert National Park