

red flash


  1. a red coloration of the lower portion of the sun, occasionally seen as the sun rises above or sinks to the horizon.

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Example Sentences

They huddled together for half an hour, seeing nothing more than red flashes which would periodically engulf them.

From Time

“Then I saw a red flash of a laser cross my eyes,” she told the military tribunal.

No moon, no stars; only a red flash on the ground where the light streamed from a loophole in the great hall.

It burst with a bright red flash, and next second the whole of the roadway and neighbouring houses were blazing furiously.

Next second there was a red flash, a loud report, and twenty-five of the enemy were blown to atoms.

One of them had risen to a kneeling position, and I saw the red flash of his piece and saw the smoke blot out the tree-trunk.

Red flash the shells through the white haze of light in which we move.





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