

View synonyms for Simon Legree

Simon Legree

[ li-gree ]


  1. the brutal plantation owner in the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin who abuses and murders several enslaved people.
  2. any harsh, merciless master:

    Our math teacher is a Simon Legree.

Legree, Simon

  1. The cruel overseer and owner of slaves in Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe . Though the book describes conditions in the slaveholding states of the South, Legree, the most vicious character in it, is from New England .

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Example Sentences

He knew just how to handle Simon Legree, and without Suggs things went fairly smooth—on the surface.

He bears the same relation to gambling that Simon Legree bore to the institution of slavery of fifty years ago.

Give me a week or two to rest, and I'll be back in the lab bossing all of you like a Simon Legree.

Then, the book tries to show how slavery develops the worst men, of the stamp of Simon Legree, the brutal overseer.

With the stern look of a Simon Legree she demanded, "How dare you leave your seats!"





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