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iodide vs. iodine

iodide vs. iodine: What's the difference?

The term iodide can refer to any chemical compound that includes the element iodine. The word iodide can also be used in a more specific way to refer to a salt of hydriodic acid (hydrogen plus iodine) composed of two elements, one of which is iodine. Sodium iodide is one example of such a salt.

[ ahy-uh-dahyd, -did ]
  1. a salt of hydriodic acid consisting of two elements, one of which is iodine, as sodium iodide, NaI.
  2. a compound containing iodine, as methyl iodide.
[ ahy-uh-dahyn, -din; in Chemistry also ahy-uh-deen ]
  1. a nonmetallic halogen element occurring at ordinary temperatures as a grayish-black crystalline solid that sublimes to a dense violet vapor when heated: used in medicine as an antiseptic. Symbol: I; atomic weight: 126.904; atomic number: 53; specific gravity: (solid) 4.93 at 20°C.

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