
[ buhn-dl ]
See synonyms for bundle on Thesaurus.com
  1. several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together: a bundle of hay.

  2. an item, group, or quantity wrapped for carrying; package.

  1. a number of things considered together: a bundle of ideas.

  2. Slang. a great deal of money: He made a bundle in the market.

  3. Botany. an aggregation of strands of specialized conductive and mechanical tissues.

  4. Also called bundle of isoglosses. Dialect Geography. a group of close isoglosses running in approximately the same direction, especially when taken as evidence of an important dialect division.

  5. Anatomy, Zoology. an aggregation of fibers, as of nerves or muscles.

verb (used with object),bun·dled, bun·dling.
  1. to tie together or wrap in a bundle: Bundle the newspapers for the trash man.

  2. to send away hurriedly or unceremoniously (usually followed by off, out, etc.): They bundled her off to the country.

  1. to offer or supply (related products or services) in a single transaction at one all-inclusive price.

verb (used without object),bun·dled, bun·dling.
  1. to leave hurriedly or unceremoniously (usually followed by off, out, etc.): They indignantly bundled out of the meeting.

  2. (especially of sweethearts during courtship in early New England) to lie in the same bed while fully clothed, as for privacy and warmth in a house where an entire family shared one room with a fireplace.

Verb Phrases
  1. bundle up, to dress warmly or snugly: A blizzard was raging but the children were all bundled up.

Idioms about bundle

  1. drop one's bundle, Australian and New Zealand Slang. to lose confidence or hope.

Origin of bundle

1350–1400; Middle English bundel<Middle Dutch bundel, bondel; akin to bind

synonym study For bundle

1. Bundle, bunch refer to a number of things or an amount of something fastened or bound together. Bundle implies a close binding or grouping together, and often refers to a wrapped package: a bundle of laundry, of dry goods. A bunch is a number of things, usually all of the same kind, fastened together: a bunch of roses, of keys.

Other words for bundle

Other words from bundle

  • bundler, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use bundle in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for bundle


/ (ˈbʌndəl) /

  1. a number of things or a quantity of material gathered or loosely bound together: a bundle of sticks Related adjective: fascicular

  2. something wrapped or tied for carrying; package

  1. slang a large sum of money

  2. go a bundle on slang to be extremely fond of

  3. biology a collection of strands of specialized tissue such as nerve fibres

  4. botany short for vascular bundle

  5. textiles a measure of yarn or cloth; 60 000 yards of linen yarn; 5 or 10 pounds of cotton hanks

  6. drop one's bundle

    • Australian and NZ slang to panic or give up hope

    • NZ slang to give birth

  1. (tr often foll by up) to make into a bundle

  2. (foll by out, off, into etc) to go or cause to go, esp roughly or unceremoniously: we bundled him out of the house

  1. (tr usually foll by into) to push or throw, esp quickly and untidily: to bundle shirts into a drawer

  2. (tr) to sell (computer hardware and software) as one indivisible package

  3. (tr) to give away (a relatively cheap product) when selling an expensive one to attract business: several free CDs are often bundled with music centres

  4. (intr) to sleep or lie in one's clothes on the same bed as one's betrothed: formerly a custom in New England, Wales, and elsewhere

Origin of bundle

C14: probably from Middle Dutch bundel; related to Old English bindele bandage; see bind, bond

Derived forms of bundle

  • bundler, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with bundle


In addition to the idiom beginning with bundle

  • bundle of nerves

also see:

  • make a bundle

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.