[ ang-ker ]
- any of various devices dropped by a chain, cable, or rope to the bottom of a body of water for preventing or restricting the motion of a vessel or other floating object, typically having broad, hooklike arms that bury themselves in the bottom to provide a firm hold.
- any similar device for holding fast or checking motion:
an anchor of stones.
- any device for securing a suspension or cantilever bridge at either end.
- any of various devices, as a metal tie, for binding one part of a structure to another.
- a person or thing that can be relied on for support, stability, or security; mainstay:
Hope was his only anchor.
- Television. a program that attracts many viewers who are likely to stay tuned to the network for the programs that follow.
- Also called anchor store. a well-known store, especially a department store, that attracts customers to the shopping center in which it is located.
- Slang. automotive brakes.
- Military. a key position in defense lines.
- the person on a team, especially a relay team, who competes last.
- the person farthest to the rear on a tug-of-war team.
verb (used with object)
- to hold fast by an anchor.
- to fix or fasten; affix firmly:
The button was anchored to the cloth with heavy thread.
- to act or serve as an anchor for:
He anchored the evening news.
verb (used without object)
- to drop anchor; lie or ride at anchor:
The ship anchored at dawn.
- to keep hold or be firmly fixed:
The insect anchored fast to its prey.
- Sports, Radio and Television. to act or serve as an anchor.
/ ˈæŋkə /
- any of several devices, usually of steel, attached to a vessel by a cable and dropped overboard so as to grip the bottom and restrict the vessel's movement
- an object used to hold something else firmly in place
the rock provided an anchor for the rope
- a source of stability or security
religion was his anchor
- a metal cramp, bolt, or similar fitting, esp one used to make a connection to masonry
- ( as modifier )
anchor plate
anchor bolt
- the rear person in a tug-of-war team
- short for anchorman anchorwoman
- at anchor(of a vessel) anchored
- cast anchor or come to anchor or drop anchorto anchor a vessel
- drag anchorSee drag
- ride at anchorto be anchored
- weigh anchorto raise a vessel's anchor or (of a vessel) to have its anchor raised in preparation for departure
- to use an anchor to hold (a vessel) in one place
- to fasten or be fastened securely; fix or become fixed firmly
- tr radio television to act as an anchorman on
Other Words From
- an·chor·a·ble adjective
- an·chor·less adjective
- an·chor·like adjective
- re·an·chor verb
- un·an·chored adjective
- well-an·chored adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of anchor1
Word History and Origins
Origin of anchor1
Idioms and Phrases
- at anchor, held in place by an anchor:
The luxury liner is at anchor in the harbor.
- drag anchor, (of a vessel) to move with a current or wind because an anchor has failed to hold.
- drop anchor, to anchor a vessel:
They dropped anchor in a bay to escape the storm.
- weigh anchor, to raise the anchor:
We will weigh anchor at dawn.
Example Sentences
Removing choice is bullying and seems a horrid basis on which to anchor your relationship.
She added: “NBC News is proud to have David in the important anchor chair of ‘Meet the Press.’ ”
Have a kid here –what some pejoratively refer to as an “anchor baby” – and it is tougher to be deported.
“When immigrants hear ‘anchor babies,’ they hear ‘they hate us,’” says Sharry.
“Tom Brokaw would anchor for hours on end for breaking news events and things like that,” Roker says.
At a quarter past seven he took his leave and we let drop our anchor where we were, off Cape Tekke.
We embarked on the evening of the 28th of June, and weighed anchor before daybreak of the 29th.
After you have repeated the Correlation, then repeat the two extremes, thus—“Anchor” … “Bolster.”
On the 2nd of July, we again attempted to weigh anchor, but with no better success than the day before.
At eight o'clock the next morning we got underweigh; but the Dick in weighing her anchor found both flukes broken off.
Related Words
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.