abbreviation for
- driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs): often used as an official police abbreviation.
Example Sentences
We had made plans that weekend—had he not gotten a DUI, he was coming to see me and my friends.
The first thing they did was say I was with Michael the night of the DUI.
I was not with him on the 29th when he was gambling and then drove home and actually got the DUI.
Cras rhoncus, massa ac mollis convallis, dui mauris porta nulla, in fringilla tortor orci sit amet est.
TMZ reports that 28-year-old starlet-turned-tabloid-fascination was arrested in Los Angeles on Sunday and booked for a DUI.
The Russians have settlements at Cape Dui, where there is excellent coal in veins eighteen feet thick and quite near the coast.
Hence we recrossed to Dui, coaled, and continued southward to Barracouta harbour.
Di due sorte la moneta, ideale e reale; e a dui diversi usi adoperata, a valutare le cose e a comperarle.
Through the dui and Remi, who acted as mediators, the Carnutes and Senones sent to make submission and beg for pardon.
Divitiacus, in the name of the dui, interceded in their favour.