
[ deyz ]
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verb (used with object),dazed, daz·ing.
  1. to stun or stupefy with a blow, shock, etc.: He was dazed by a blow on the head.

  2. to overwhelm; dazzle: The splendor of the palace dazed her.

  1. a dazed condition; state of bemusement: After meeting the author, I was in a daze for a week.

Origin of daze

First recorded in 1275–1325; Middle English dasen (verb), from Old Norse dasa- (as in dasask “to become weary”); compare Danish dase “to doze, mope”

Other words for daze

Other words from daze

  • un·daz·ing, adjective

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use daze in a sentence

  • A leg caught Mackenzie 30 a glancing blow on the head, dazing him momentarily, giving Carlson the opening he desired.

  • But the tension of the last three weeks and the dazing examination and attack at the inquest had left her uncertain of herself.

    Lady Lilith | Stephen McKenna
  • The pommel of the Chevalier's rapier hit him in the forehead, cutting and dazing him.

    The Grey Cloak | Harold MacGrath
  • The cutter tossed still more wildly and black masses of water smashed in upon them from the darkness, dazing and drenching them.

    The Door into Infinity | Edmond Hamilton
  • Unexpectedly I found embarrassment of choice dazing me, and I sat without attending to the later speakers.

British Dictionary definitions for daze


/ (deɪz) /

  1. to stun or stupefy, esp by a blow or shock

  2. to bewilder, amaze, or dazzle

  1. a state of stunned confusion or shock (esp in the phrase in a daze)

Origin of daze

C14: from Old Norse dasa-, as in dasask to grow weary

Derived forms of daze

  • dazedly (ˈdeɪzɪdlɪ), adverb

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