


[ flawr-i-duh, flor- ]


  1. a state in the southeastern United States between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. 58,560 square miles (151,670 square kilometers). : Tallahassee. : FL (for use with zip code), Fla.
  2. Straits of Florida. Also called Florida Straits, an ocean passage between the Florida Keys and Cuba connecting the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.


/ ˈflɒrɪdə /


  1. a state of the southeastern US, between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico: consists mostly of a low-lying peninsula ending in the Florida Keys a chain of small islands off the coast of S Florida, extending southwest for over 160 km (100 miles). Capital: Tallahassee. Pop: 17 019 068 (2003 est). Area: 143 900 sq km (55 560 sq miles) AbbreviationFla.with zip codeFL
  2. Straits of Florida
    a sea passage between the Florida Keys and Cuba, linking the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. The southeasternmost state of the contiguous United States, bordered by Alabama and Georgia to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and south, and the Gulf of Mexico and Alabama to the west. Its capital is Tallahassee, and its largest city is Jacksonville .

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Home of the Kennedy Space Center, launch site for many U.S. space missions.
Home of Walt Disney World, an amusement park near Orlando, and many other theme parks. ( See Walt Disney .)
St. Augustine, located on the coast of Northern Florida, is the oldest city in the United States, settled in the sixteenth century by Spain .
One of the Confederate states during the Civil War .
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Example Sentences

“Please, please do not permit this to happen here in Florida,” wrote Cris K. Smith of East Polk County.

“I do not support gay marriages being recognized in Florida,” he wrote Andrew Walther of Sanford.

Meanwhile, in Florida, Bush was flooded with questions about whether gay marriage could possibly come to the Sunshine State.

A few days later, Bush replied, “We will uphold the law in Florida.”

Like many Americans—but few Republican presidential candidates—the former Florida governor has evolved on the issue.

Ferdinand de Soto sailed from Havana with ten ships for the conquest of Florida.

Fine specimens are found in Florida and some elaborately carved have been unearthed in Virginia.

He fitted out an expedition to search Florida for more gold, and lost his life.

Ferdinand de Soto, landed on the West coast of Florida, in search of gold.

Footnote 81: Florida tobacco is noted for the white rust found on the leaves.





floridFlorida Current