
[ rah-mahn ]

  1. Prince Ab·dul [ahb-dool], /ˈɑb dul/, 1903–90, Malayan political leader: prime minister of Malaya 1957–63; premier of Malaysia 1963–70.

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How to use Rahman in a sentence

  • Abdur Rahman, in his friendly but guarded reply,5 expressed in general terms his hope of being recognized as Amir.

    Forty-one years in India | Frederick Sleigh Roberts
  • A few days later a letter was received from Abdur Rahman, announcing his arrival in Kohistan.

    Forty-one years in India | Frederick Sleigh Roberts
  • The successors of Abd-ur-Rahman obtained the assistance of Byzantine craftsmen, and embellished the mosque with rich mosaics.

    Southern Spain | A.F. Calvert
  • It was Abd-ur-Rahman's ambition to focus all the interests of Islam at this point within his own dominions.

    Southern Spain | A.F. Calvert
  • Abdul-Rahman was pleased with the completion of a work which, according to his thinking, lent great splendor to his reign.