
[ tred ]
See synonyms for tread on
verb (used without object),trod, trod·den or trod, tread·ing.
  1. to set down the foot or feet in walking; step; walk.

  2. to step, walk, or trample so as to press, crush, or injure something (usually followed by on or upon): to tread on a person's foot.

  1. (of a male bird) to copulate.

verb (used with object),trod, trod·den or trod, tread·ing.
  1. to step or walk on, about, in, or along.

  2. to trample or crush underfoot.

  1. to form by the action of walking or trampling: to tread a path.

  2. to treat with disdainful harshness or cruelty; crush; oppress.

  3. to perform by walking or dancing: to tread a measure.

  4. (of a male bird) to copulate with (a female bird).

  1. the action of treading, stepping, or walking.

  2. the sound of footsteps.

  1. manner of treading or walking.

  2. a single step as in walking.

  3. any of various things or parts on which a person or thing treads, stands, or moves.

  4. the part of the under surface of the foot or of a shoe that touches the ground.

  5. the horizontal upper surface of a step in a stair, on which the foot is placed.

  6. the part of a wheel, tire, or runner that bears on the road, rail, etc.

  7. the pattern raised on or cut into the face of a rubber tire.

  8. Also caterpillar tread . a metal tread on which a Caterpillar-style vehicle moves.

  9. Railroads. that part of a rail in contact with the treads of wheels.

Idioms about tread

  1. tread lightly / carefully / softly. See entry at tread lightly.

  2. tread on someone's toes / corns, to offend or irritate someone.

  1. tread the boards, to act on the stage, especially professionally: He recalled the days when he had trod the boards.

  2. tread water,

    • Swimming. to maintain the body erect in the water with the head above the surface usually by a pumping up-and-down movement of the legs and sometimes the arms.

    • Slang. to make efforts that maintain but do not further one's status, progress, or performance: He's just treading water here until he can find another job.

Origin of tread

before 900; (v.) Middle English treden,Old English tredan; cognate with Old Frisian treda,Old Saxon tredan,Dutch treden,German treten; akin to Old Norse trotha,Gothic trudan; (noun) Middle English tred footprint, derivative of the v.

Other words from tread

  • tread·er, noun
  • o·ver·tread, noun
  • sub·tread, noun Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use tread in a sentence

  • I go from your door, Ikey, like one who treads alone some banquet hall deserted.

  • The thing could obviously move faster on those treads than Mike could on his feet.

    Unwise Child | Gordon Randall Garrett
  • The little robot rolled up to the elevator on his treads and was lifted into the body of the ship.

    Unwise Child | Gordon Randall Garrett

British Dictionary definitions for tread


/ (trɛd) /

verbtreads, treading, trod, trodden or trod
  1. to walk or trample in, on, over, or across (something)

  2. (when intr, foll by on) to crush or squash by or as if by treading: to tread grapes; to tread on a spider

  1. (intr sometimes foll by on) to subdue or repress, as by doing injury (to): to tread on one's inferiors

  2. (tr) to do by walking or dancing: to tread a measure

  3. (tr) (of a male bird) to copulate with (a female bird)

  4. tread lightly to proceed with delicacy or tact

  5. tread on someone's toes to offend or insult someone, esp by infringing on his sphere of action, etc

  6. tread water to stay afloat in an upright position by moving the legs in a walking motion

  1. a manner or style of walking, dancing, etc: a light tread

  2. the act of treading

  1. the top surface of a step in a staircase

  2. the outer part of a tyre or wheel that makes contact with the road, esp the grooved surface of a pneumatic tyre

  3. the part of a rail that wheels touch

  4. the part of a shoe that is generally in contact with the ground

  5. vet science an injury to a horse's foot caused by the opposite foot, or the foot of another horse

  6. a rare word for footprint

Origin of tread

Old English tredan; related to Old Norse trotha , Old High German tretan, Swedish träda

Derived forms of tread

  • treader, noun

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with tread


In addition to the idioms beginning with tread

  • tread the boards
  • tread water

also see:

  • fools rush in where angels fear to tread
  • step (tread) on one's toes

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.