



[ ey-suh ]


  1. (in the Bible) a king of Judah, 913?–873? b.c.



abbreviation for

  1. Acoustical Society of America.
  2. American Standards Association: former name of the American National Standards Institute.
  3. the numerical exposure index of a photographic film under the system adopted by the American Standards Association, used to indicate the light sensitivity of the film's emulsion.


abbreviation for

  1. (in Britain) Amateur Swimming Association
  2. (in Britain) Advertising Standards Authority
  3. (in the US) American Standards Association
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of Asa1

From Hebrew ʾasāʾ, of uncertain meaning
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Example Sentences

Third, the almost total silence in academic circles about the ASA decision outside the pro-Israel chorus is deafening.

By listening in on their conversation, we get to know the narrator, Asa Baker-Rouse, and the filmmaker, Bianca Giaever.

The second most common line of attack against the ASA is that academic boycotts are inherently misguided.

The ASA supports different tactics because it supports a different goal.

In 1998, the ASA announced that it would boycott California and Washington State for their anti-affirmative action laws.

Under Asa, and also under Josiah, the people in their civil capacity with their rulers Covenanted too.

I hain't never heard Asa laugh with no real enjoyment into it yet.

Abner halted suddenly, at arm's length from his brother, and eyed him from head to foot, and Asa returned an insolent stare.

Asa laughed mockingly, and Abner took a threatening step toward him, but Mary touched his arm again.

With that he stepped back a pace and with his open palm struck Asa across the mouth.



