

View synonyms for blast off

blast off

  1. Become excited or high, especially from using drugs, as in They give parties where people blast off . [ Slang ; c. 1960]

  2. Depart, clear out, as in This party's over; let's blast off now . [ Slang ; early 1950s]

  3. Also, blast away . Take off or be launched, especially into space, as in They're scheduled to blast off on Tuesday . This usage originated with the development of powerful rockets, spacecraft, and astronauts, to all of which it was applied. [c. 1950]

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Example Sentences

That explained his running back, waving a letter and trying to attract attention just at blast-off.

It is worthy of note that one of the oldest of these acquaintances was present at blast-off time.

Claude stuck his head out of the hatch and reported the ship ready for blast-off.

While the criminals readied the armed privateer for blast-off, Coxine and Wallace climbed directly to the radar bridge.

In the pilot's chair, Connel called traffic control for blast-off, and at the same time prepared to raise ship.



