



[ boo-bee ]


, plural boo·bies.
  1. a stupid person; dunce.
  2. a gannet of the genus Sula, having a bright bill, bright feet, or both: some are endangered.



[ boo-bee ]


, Slang: Sometimes Vulgar.
, plural boob·ies.
  1. a female breast.


/ ˈbuːbɪ /


  1. an ignorant or foolish person
  2. the losing player in a game
  3. any of several tropical marine birds of the genus Sula : family Sulidae , order Pelecaniformes (pelicans, cormorants, etc). They have a straight stout bill and the plumage is white with darker markings Compare gannet
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • booby·ish adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of booby1

1590–1600; earlier pooby, apparently blend of poop to befool (now obsolete) and baby; booby 1( def 2 ) perhaps by association with Spanish bobo < Latin balbus stuttering

Origin of booby2

1930–35, Americanism; probably variant of earlier bubby
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Word History and Origins

Origin of booby1

C17: from Spanish bobo , from Latin balbus stammering
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Example Sentences

Agents also found a box labeled with the words “Booby Trap.”

Exploding heads, zombie-tiger maulings, the most spectacular body-crushed-into-goo special effect at a booby-trapped bank vault.

Yo, gullible rube, you yokel ogler -- remember, you like me for my booby look.

The video also shows a handgun on Lemp’s nightstand and a booby trap attached to a door — avoided by the SWAT team — that led from outside the house directly into Lemp’s bedroom.

The young Bezos was a science fiction nerd who built homemade booby traps to delight his obviously patient family.

Diane Wilkerson: Booby-Trapped State Senator It has taken a lot to stand out as corrupt in Massachusetts politics recently.

In the afternoon we landed on Booby Island and at night procured turtles, and about a thousand eggs.

Lady Booby, few as are the strokes given to her, is not much less alive than Lady Bellaston.

Booby traps were numerous, and special companies were hunting for them.

The Booby Isle was soon reached, and our sport there was equal to any we had elsewhere.

They think they might have been forced to lie out all night but for the sagacity of "Booby."





boob tubebooby hatch