
[ buhz ]
See synonyms for: buzzbuzzedbuzzing on

  1. a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking.

  2. Informal. a rumor or report: There's a buzz going around that he'll soon be fired.

  1. Informal. a phone call: When I find out, I'll give you a buzz.

  2. Slang.

    • a feeling of intense enthusiasm, interest, excitement, or exhilaration: I get a terrific buzz from those Pacific sunsets.Their ads are generating plenty of buzz.

    • a feeling of slight intoxication or overstimulation from liquor or drugs: Too much caffeine gives me a buzz.

verb (used without object)
  1. to make a low, vibrating, humming sound.

  2. to speak or murmur with such a sound.

  1. to be filled with the sound of buzzing or whispering: The room buzzed.

  2. to whisper; gossip: Everyone is buzzing about the scandal.

  3. to move busily from place to place.

  4. Slang. to go; leave (usually followed by off or along): I'll buzz along now.Tell him to buzz off and leave me alone.

verb (used with object)
  1. to make a buzzing sound with: The fly buzzed its wings.

  2. to tell or spread (a rumor, gossip, etc.) secretively.

  1. to signal or summon with a buzzer: He buzzed his assistant.

  2. Informal. to make a phone call to.

  3. Aeronautics.

    • to fly a plane very low over: to buzz a field.

    • to signal or greet (someone) by flying a plane low and slowing the motor spasmodically.

Idioms about buzz

  1. have / get a buzz on, Slang. to be slightly intoxicated: After a few beers they all had a buzz on.

Origin of buzz

First recorded in1350–1400; Middle English busse; imitative

Other words from buzz

  • buzz·ing·ly, adverb Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use buzz in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for buzz


/ (bʌz) /

  1. a rapidly vibrating humming sound, as that of a prolonged z or of a bee in flight

  2. a low sound, as of many voices in conversation

  1. a rumour; report; gossip

  2. informal a telephone call: I'll give you a buzz

  3. slang

    • a pleasant sensation, as from a drug such as cannabis

    • a sense of excitement; kick

  1. (intr) to make a vibrating sound like that of a prolonged z

  2. (intr) to talk or gossip with an air of excitement or urgency: the town buzzed with the news

  1. (tr) to utter or spread (a rumour)

  2. (intr often foll by about) to move around quickly and busily; bustle

  3. (tr) to signal or summon with a buzzer

  4. (tr) informal to call by telephone

  5. (tr) informal

    • to fly an aircraft very low over (an object): to buzz a ship

    • to fly an aircraft very close to or across the path of (another aircraft), esp to warn or intimidate

  6. (tr) (esp of insects) to make a buzzing sound with (wings, etc)

Origin of buzz

C16: of imitative origin

Derived forms of buzz

  • buzzing, noun, adjective

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