company sergeant major
- military the senior Warrant Officer II in a British or Commonwealth regiment or battalion, responsible under the company second in command for all aspects of duty and discipline of the NCOs and men in that subunit CSM Compare regimental sergeant major See also warrant officer
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Example Sentences
A company sergeant-major spent five minutes under the entanglement trying to cut it, and miraculously escaped with his life.
From Project Gutenberg
His example was emulated by the Company Sergeant Major who perished in similar circumstances.
From Project Gutenberg
Company Sergeant Major Owen then assumed charge, who proved himself fully equal to the task in bravery and resource.
From Project Gutenberg
Company-Sergeant-Major Owen then assumed command, and led the company with bravery and good sense.
From Project Gutenberg
Then our company sergeant-major was brought down, quite delirious, and Jackson and I took him on to the clearing-station.
From Project Gutenberg