
[ kawr-net for 1; kawr-nit, kawr-net for 2-8 ]
See synonyms for cornet on
  1. Music. a valved wind instrument of the trumpet family.

  2. a small cone of paper twisted at the end and used for holding candy, nuts, etc.

  1. a pastry cone, usually filled with whipped cream.

  2. British. a conical wafer, as for ice cream; cone.

  3. a large, white, winged headdress formerly worn by the members of the Sisters of Charity.

  4. a woman's headdress, often cone-shaped, usually of delicate fabrics and having lappets of lace or other material, worn by women from the 14th to the 18th century.

  5. a pennant or flag used for signaling in a navy.

  6. (formerly) the officer who carried the colors in a troop of cavalry: the cornet of horse.

Origin of cornet

1325–75; Middle English <Middle French, Old French, equivalent to cornhorn (<Latin cornū;see cornu) + -et-et Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

British Dictionary definitions for cornet


/ (ˈkɔːnɪt) /

  1. Also called: cornet à pistons (ˈkɔːnɪt ə ˈpɪstənz, French kɔrnɛ a pistɔ̃) a three-valved brass instrument of the trumpet family. Written range: about two and a half octaves upwards from E below middle C. It is a transposing instrument in B flat or A

  2. a person who plays the cornet

  1. a variant spelling of cornett

  2. a cone-shaped paper container for sweets, etc

  3. British a cone-shaped wafer container for ice cream

  4. (formerly) the lowest rank of commissioned cavalry officer in the British army

  5. Southern African short for field cornet

  6. a starched and wired muslin or lace cap worn by women from the 12th to the 15th centuries

  7. the large white headdress of some nuns

Origin of cornet

C14: from Old French, from corn, from Latin cornū horn

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