equinoctial storm

  1. a storm of violent winds and rain occurring at or near the time of an equinox and popularly, but erroneously, believed to be physically associated with it.

Words Nearby equinoctial storm

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use equinoctial storm in a sentence

  • But the equinoctial storm would soon be coming, and he was afraid to venture out in rough weather on short rations.

  • In fact, none worthy of note had fallen for two months, except what came during the late equinoctial storm.

    Adle Dubois | Mrs. William T. Savage
  • Lee Murdock said he guessed the equinoctial storm had come, and that if it had thered be no practice for a couple of days.

    The Turner Twins | Ralph Henry Barbour
  • The equinoctial storm seemed to have blown itself out by the next morning.

  • Love is warm, but what warmth is proof against the chilling blasts and pelting rains of the equinoctial storm?