


or e-sports

[ ee-spawrts ]


  1. (usually used with a plural verb) competitive tournaments of video games, especially among professional gamers.
  2. e·sport, (used with a singular verb) a video game suited to or popular in this kind of tournament.


  1. of or relating to esports:

    an esports event;

    esports gambling.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of esports1

First recorded in 1995–2000; e- 2 (electronic) + sports
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Example Sentences

VSPN facilitates esports competitions in China, which is a massive industry and has expanded into related areas such as esports venues.

Sooner rather than later, an esports star will front the Adidas brand globally.

From Digiday

If it’s about traditional sports owners pouring millions of dollars into an esports league run by Activision Blizzard, which is one of the biggest software publishing companies, that’s a story that general audiences will care about and invest in.

From Digiday

Esports One, a startup bringing the fantasy approach to esports, is announcing that it has raised an additional $4 million in funding.

Over the last five years the brewer has pitched itself as the main beer of esports, funding everything from teams to players, channels to competitions.

From Digiday




