
[ ev-er-gleyd ]
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  1. a tract of low, swampy land, especially in southern Florida, characterized by clumps of tall grass and numerous branching waterways.

Origin of everglade

An Americanism dating back to 1815–25; ever + glade

Words Nearby everglade

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use everglade in a sentence

  • I know it can't go through to our bay, but it must lead up to the everglade country where the mangroves won't be so bad.

    Dick in the Everglades | A. W. Dimock
  • It is in this watery prairie and everglade region that we find the immediate environment of most of the Seminole Indians.

  • It was rather a restless night in Orangeade, and all were astir early, for they wanted to be at the everglade camp by daylight.

  • Tom was taken to the everglade camp, which explains why the calls of the girls did not reach him.

  • Then she was not altogether insane, for there were many campers at everglade.

    Dorothy Dale's Camping Days | Margaret Penrose