

external auditory meatus


, Anatomy.
  1. the canal extending from the opening in the external ear to the tympanic membrane.

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Example Sentences

Transmission in External Ear.—The external ear consists of the pinna, or auricle, and the external auditory meatus, or canal, at the bottom of which we find the membrana tympani, or drum head.

When suppuration has actually taken place the abscess should be immediately opened to prevent further destruction of the gland-tissue and perforation into the external auditory meatus.

The position of pointing may be on the cheek or in the external auditory meatus—a very common location; again, the abscess may break into the mouth, the pharynx, the oesophagus, or into the anterior mediastinum, the pus burrowing its way along the sheath of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle.

Stitching pain at lobe of left ear and deep in and above external auditory meatus.

Palate extremely elongated, and produced backwards as far as the level of the external auditory meatus by the meeting in the middle line of the largely developed pterygoids.



