

View synonyms for fault line

fault line


, Geology.
  1. the intersection of a fault with the surface of the earth or other plane of reference.

fault line


  1. Also calledfault plane geology the surface of a fault fracture along which the rocks have been displaced
  2. a potentially disruptive division or area of contention

    Europe remains the main fault line in the Tory Party

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of fault line1

First recorded in 1865–70
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Example Sentences

Yet despite such performances proving conclusively that race has little to do with athletic prowess, race has remained a central fault line in sports, with gender fusing with it, especially over the past half century.

Public versus private investment is not, however, the only fault line in the recent bipartisan consensus over funding broadband.

From Vox

Coming to an agreement on funding broadband is just one piece of the puzzle, and there are deep fault lines and disagreements over what that funding should aim to accomplish that could significantly impact who gets connected and who really benefits.

From Vox

Instead, the disease highlights and worsens existing fault lines in American society, especially economic inequality.

From Time

The easy ones were resolved quickly, then came the hard ones like the requirement of a geotechnical study to determine if there was a fault line on my property.

In addition to its million-and-a-half year dormant stretch, the fault line is nearly impossible to see from above.

The fault line was the dance, because there was no way he could do that in a prime ministerial manner.

That zone is a fault line, a crease in the planet floor between the North American plate and the Continental plate.

Section by section it has ruptured as though it were a pyric San Andreas fault line.

Iran is situated on a fault line and people are scared of a Fukushima type of situation happening.

There is, moreover, evidence of actual compression of the earth's crust at right angles to the fault-line.

"The fault line I mentioned is so obvious you can't miss it," he said to Joyce.


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faultlessfault plane