
[ fawrj, fohrj ]
See synonyms for forge on
verb (used with object),forged, forg·ing.
  1. to form by heating and hammering; beat into shape.

  2. to form or make, especially by concentrated effort: to forge a friendship through mutual trust.

  1. to imitate (handwriting, a signature, etc.) fraudulently; fabricate a forgery.

verb (used without object),forged, forg·ing.
  1. to commit forgery.

  2. to work at a forge.

  1. (of a horse at a trot) to strike the forefeet with the shoes of the hind feet.

  1. a special fireplace, hearth, or furnace in which metal is heated before shaping.

  2. the workshop of a blacksmith; smithy.

Origin of forge

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English forgen, fourgen, from Old French forgier, forger, from Latin fabricāre “to fabricate”; see fabric

Other words for forge

Other words from forge

  • forge·a·ble, adjective
  • forger, noun
  • re·forge·a·ble, adjective
  • un·forge·a·ble, adjective

Other definitions for forge (2 of 2)

[ fawrj, fohrj ]

verb (used without object),forged, forg·ing.
  1. to move ahead slowly; progress steadily: to forge through dense underbrush.

  2. to move ahead with increased speed and effectiveness (usually followed by ahead): to forge ahead and finish the work in a burst of energy.

Origin of forge

First recorded in 1605–15; origin uncertain Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use forge in a sentence

  • If I am a forger or a friend of forgers, as you allege me to be, then I am unworthy to have served in the uniform of France.

    The Doctor of Pimlico | William Le Queux
  • "Yes; but I have had nothing to do with any forgers of banknotes," declared the unhappy man, reseating himself.

    The Doctor of Pimlico | William Le Queux
  • They make a specialty of bank work and from the number of forgers apprehended and convicted know just how the work is done.

    Disputed Handwriting | Jerome B. Lavay
  • Professional forgers usually make their homes in large cities.

    Disputed Handwriting | Jerome B. Lavay
  • Safe-breakers are often called upon by forgers and asked to secure a sheet of checks out of a check-book.

    Disputed Handwriting | Jerome B. Lavay

British Dictionary definitions for forge (1 of 2)


/ (fɔːdʒ) /

  1. a place in which metal is worked by heating and hammering; smithy

  2. a hearth or furnace used for heating metal

  1. a machine used to shape metals by hammering

  1. (tr) to shape (metal) by heating and hammering

  2. (tr) to form, shape, make, or fashion (objects, articles, etc)

  1. (tr) to invent or devise (an agreement, understanding, etc)

  2. to make or produce a fraudulent imitation of (a signature, banknote, etc) or to commit forgery

Origin of forge

C14: from Old French forgier to construct, from Latin fabricāre, from faber craftsman

Derived forms of forge

  • forgeable, adjective
  • forger, noun

British Dictionary definitions for forge (2 of 2)


/ (fɔːdʒ) /

  1. to move at a steady and persevering pace

  2. to increase speed; spurt

Origin of forge

C17: of unknown origin

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