

View synonyms for hearth


[ hahrth ]


  1. the floor of a fireplace, usually of stone, brick, etc., often extending a short distance into a room.
  2. home; fireside:

    the joys of family and hearth.

    Synonyms: house, abode, household

  3. Metallurgy.
    1. the lower part of a blast furnace, cupola, etc., in which the molten metal collects and from which it is tapped out.
    2. the part of an open hearth, reverberatory furnace, etc., upon which the charge is placed and melted down or refined.
  4. a brazier or chafing dish for burning charcoal.


/ hɑːθ /


    1. the floor of a fireplace, esp one that extends outwards into the room
    2. ( as modifier )

      hearth rug

  1. this part of a fireplace as a symbol of the home, etc
  2. the bottom part of a metallurgical furnace in which the molten metal is produced or contained
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • hearthless adjective
  • multi·hearth noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hearth1

First recorded before 900; Middle English herth(e), Old English he(o)rth; cognate with German Herd, Dutch haard
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hearth1

Old English heorth; related to Old High German herd hearth, Latin carbō charcoal
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Example Sentences

That’s a valuable trait when what you’re cooking involves a grill, open fire, hearth, woodstove, or burner—all tricky heat sources prone to fluctuation.

Those models were imported to a virtual reality software where they were placed next to a virtual hearth so that the areas of heat damage were closest to the flames, mimicking how the stones may have been placed in real life.

There was a hearth down there where they cooked in the summertime.

Sofra tasting menu $95, chef’s table at the hearth $150 per person.

Since the Himalayas trip involved nightly gatherings around a hearth, she says, “it smells like bonfire.”

Frederico leads the others around the hearth as they gently wash their faces with cupfuls of warm liquid.

Such Rambo-like defenses of home and hearth do not happen in real life, unless the home also happens to contain a meth lab.

As far as I know, this experience was shared by everyone else around the McArdle hearth.

Or that a Starbucks beverage comes straight from the hearth?

I am love with the classics and Hearth is my hometown favorite.

Thus night fell, and darkness settled down about him, relieved only by the red glow of the logs smouldering on the hearth.

The boy, a trifle sullen since the last words, stood on the hearth with his back to the fire, his hands clasped behind him.

The cigar stump held firmly between his teeth, he stood on the rug before the hearth, facing the door.

In a sweeping passion she seized a glass vase from the table and flung it upon the tiles of the hearth.

She vacantly hummed a fantastic tune as she poked at the wood embers on the hearth and munched a cracker.


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