
[ ih-loo-muh-ney-shuhn ]
See synonyms for: illuminationilluminations on

  1. an act or instance of illuminating.

  2. the fact or condition of being illuminated.

  1. a decoration of lights, usually colored lights.

  2. Sometimes illuminations. an entertainment, display, or celebration using lights as a major feature or decoration.

  3. intellectual or spiritual enlightenment.

  4. Also called illuminance, intensity of illumination. Optics. the intensity of light falling at a given place on a lighted surface; the luminous flux incident per unit area, expressed in lumens per unit of area.

  5. a supply of light: a source of illumination.

  6. decoration of a manuscript or book with a painted design in color, gold, etc.

  7. a design used in such decoration.

Origin of illumination

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English, from Medieval Latin illūminātiōn-, stem of illūminātiō “spiritual enlightenment,” from Latin: “illustriousness, glory”; see illuminate, -ion

Other words for illumination

Other words from illumination

  • il·lu·mi·na·tion·al, adjective
  • non·il·lu·mi·na·tion, noun
  • pre·il·lu·mi·na·tion, noun
  • re·il·lu·mi·na·tion, noun

Words Nearby illumination Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use illumination in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for illumination


/ (ɪˌluːmɪˈneɪʃən) /

  1. the act of illuminating or the state of being illuminated

  2. a source of light

  1. (often plural) mainly British a light or lights, esp coloured lights, used as decoration in streets, parks, etc

  2. spiritual or intellectual enlightenment; insight or understanding

  3. the act of making understood; clarification

  4. decoration in colours, gold, or silver used on some manuscripts or printed works

  5. physics another name (not in technical usage) for illuminance

Derived forms of illumination

  • illuminational, adjective

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