incandescent lamp
- a lamp that emits light due to the glowing of a heated material, especially the common device in which a tungsten filament enclosed within an evacuated glass bulb is rendered luminous by the passage of an electric current through it.
incandescent lamp
- a source of light that contains a heated solid, such as an electrically heated filament
incandescent lamp
/ ĭn′kən-dĕs′ənt /
- A lamp that produces light by heating up a filament of wire inside a bulb with an electric current, causing incandescence. The glass bulb containing the filament is filled with a nonreactive gas, such as argon, to prevent the wire from burning.
- Compare fluorescent lamp
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Word History and Origins
Origin of incandescent lamp1
First recorded in 1880–85
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Example Sentences
Pieces of platinum that will serve very nicely for the purpose may be obtained from an old incandescent lamp.
From Project Gutenberg
The experiments and endeavors that brought this result constitute the story of the incandescent lamp.
From Project Gutenberg
They were made of wood, lined with asbestos, and were lighted inside with an incandescent lamp.
From Project Gutenberg
Edison, in common with others, turned his attention to the subject, and took up the neglected incandescent lamp.
From Project Gutenberg
An incandescent lamp was screwed into one of the walls, and there was a door in each bulkhead at the ends of the room.
From Project Gutenberg