

View synonyms for lobe


[ lohb ]


  1. a roundish projection or division, as of an organ or a leaf.


/ ləʊb /


  1. any rounded projection forming part of a larger structure
  2. any of the subdivisions of a bodily organ or part, delineated by shape or connective tissue
  3. short for ear lobe
  4. any of the loops that form part of the graphic representation in cylindrical coordinates of the radiation pattern of a transmitting aerial Compare radiation pattern
  5. any of the parts, not entirely separate from each other, into which a flattened plant part, such as a leaf, is divided
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ lōb /

  1. A rounded projection, as on a leaf or petal. The leaves of many oak species have prominent lobes.
  2. An anatomical division of an organ of the body. The liver, lungs, and brain are all characterized by lobes that are held in place by connective tissue.

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Other Words From

  • multi·lobe noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of lobe1

1515–25; < Medieval Latin lobus ( Late Latin: hull, husk, pod) < Greek lobós, akin to Latin legula lobe of the ear
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Word History and Origins

Origin of lobe1

C16: from Late Latin lobus, from Greek lobos lobe of the ear or of the liver
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Example Sentences

By now, my brain has recruited portions of the FRONTAL, PARIETAL, and TEMPORAL lobes that store memory and emotion to discern whether Adam’s face is familiar.

The coelacanth is a giant blue fish with lobe fins that are a “missing link” to the limbs of the first amphibians, and ultimately our limbs, making the coelacanths our own deep ancestors.

Where it meets the Bering Sea, the river fans out into an intricate delta resembling cauliflower lobes of river channels and ponds.

Computer weather models hint that a lobe of cool air may hang around at high altitudes, keeping surface temperatures closer to average.

To prevent this mixing up of memories from taking place, the medial temporal lobe performs a computation that separates the two sequences.

Naturalism tells us that mystics had temporal lobe epilepsy.

Compulsive writing, or hypergraphia, is a well-known, if uncommon, symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy.

The connection between temporal lobe epilepsy and creativity is well known.

But a drug like lamotrigine is not selective, and so it also affects the behavior of the rest of the temporal lobe.

The doctors discovered the entry wound into the frontal lobe with a diameter about equal to that of a cigarette.

With nervous children the lobe of the ear is preferable, as it prevents their seeing what is being done.

The blood is obtained from the finger-tip or the lobe of the ear, as for a blood count; only a very small drop is required.

A diamond winked at him from the lobe of the little ear, like a star among silvery clouds.

She planted her foot on the swell of the neck tendon, and in seven leaps she made it to the lobe of the ear.

Earrings are common, but apparently the lobe of the ear is not unduly distended.




