methyl alcohol
, Chemistry.
- a colorless, volatile, water-soluble, poisonous liquid, CH 4 O, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood or the incomplete oxidation of natural gas, or produced synthetically from carbon monoxide and hydrogen, used chiefly as a solvent, a fuel, and an automobile antifreeze and in the synthesis of formaldehyde.
methyl alcohol
methyl alcohol
- See methanol
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Word History and Origins
Origin of methyl alcohol1
First recorded in 1840–50
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Example Sentences
Those stains which are dissolved in methyl-alcohol combine fixation with the staining process.
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The presence of formaldehyde proves that methyl alcohol was in the original extract.
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Methyl alcohol is sometimes used in place of the more expensive spirit alcohol as a solvent for the lemon oil.
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If we use the methyl radicle we get methyl alcohol: if we use the ethyl radicle we get ethyl alcohol.
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Those four atoms are called the methyl group, and a methyl group combined with a hydroxyl group forms methyl alcohol.
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