
[ min-uhm ]
See synonyms for minim on
  1. the smallest unit of liquid measure, 1/60 (0.0167) of a fluid dram, roughly equivalent to one drop. Abbreviation: min, min.; Symbol: ♍, ♏

  2. Music. a note, formerly the shortest in use, but now equivalent in time value to one half of a semibreve; half note.

  1. the least quantity of anything.

  2. something very small or insignificant.

  3. (initial capital letter) a member of a mendicant religious order founded in the 15th century by St. Francis of Paola.

  1. smallest.

  2. very small.

Origin of minim

1400–50; late Middle English <Medieval Latin, Latin minimus; as musical term, <Medieval Latin (nota) minima;see minimum Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use minim in a sentence

  • Give him five-and-twenty minims of laudanum to-night, without his knowing it; and then call to-morrow morning.

    The Moonstone | Wilkie Collins
  • I measured out the forty minims from the bottle, and poured the laudanum into a medicine glass.

    The Moonstone | Wilkie Collins
  • One of these tablets is dissolved in 60 minims or more of water and boiled.

  • One of the minims had been struggling to detach a morsel of flesh from the leg-joint.

    The Forgotten Planet | Murray Leinster
  • Two of the other minims appeared, attracted by the noise the first had made.

    The Forgotten Planet | Murray Leinster

British Dictionary definitions for minim


/ (ˈmɪnɪm) /

  1. a unit of fluid measure equal to one sixtieth of a drachm. It is approximately equal to one drop: Symbol: M,

  2. music a note having the time value of half a semibreve: Usual US and Canadian name: half-note

  1. a small or insignificant person or thing

  2. a downward stroke in calligraphy

  1. rare very small; tiny

Origin of minim

C15 (in its musical meaning): from Latin minimus smallest

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