
[ noos ]
See synonyms for noose on
  1. a loop with a running knot, as in a snare, lasso, or hangman's halter, that tightens as the rope is pulled.

  2. a tie or bond; snare.

verb (used with object),noosed, noos·ing.
  1. to secure by or as by a noose.

  2. to make a noose with or in (a rope or the like).

Origin of noose

1400–50; late Middle English nose< ?

Other words from noose

  • nooser, noun
  • un·noosed, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use noose in a sentence

  • Then with the aid of rattan nooses they drew it up on the shore, and with their sharp knives proceeded to strip away the skin.

  • He had heard of nooses being set for animals as large as the quaggas, and of many being caught in that manner.

  • They are seated in four chairs facing the four dangling nooses, while the death-warrant is once more read.

  • Sometimes in hard places you have to throw your nooses around the shaft as a cowboy casts a rope.

    Careers of Danger and Daring | Cleveland Moffett
  • It did not take him long to fashion cunning nooses and traps to catch the few beasts that roamed the ice.

British Dictionary definitions for noose


/ (nuːs) /

  1. a loop in the end of a rope or cord, such as a lasso, snare, or hangman's halter, usually tied with a slipknot

  2. something that restrains, binds, or traps

  1. put one's head in a noose to bring about one's own downfall

  1. to secure or catch in or as if in a noose

  2. to make a noose of or in

Origin of noose

C15: perhaps from Provençal nous, from Latin nōdus node

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