Otto III
- a.d. 980–1002, king of Germany 983–1002; emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 996–1002 (son of Otto II).
Example Sentences
Instead, the German historian argued, the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III and Pope Sylvester II, desiring to live in the numerically significant year AD1000, fabricated a significant chunk of history.
When Otto III. died childless in 1002, Henry sought to secure the German throne, and seizing the imperial insignia made an arrangement with Otto I., duke of Carinthia.
He obtained from the emperor Otto III., with whom he was in great favour in 983, a considerable extension of territory, that now covered by the Zuider Zee and southward down to Nijmwegen.
There had been a notable revival of learning in the time of Charlemagne—the so-called Carolingian renaissance; another at the end of the tenth century, in the time of the Emperor Otto III. and Pope Sylvester II.; and a third in the twelfth century, with its center in northern France.
This capture virtually ended the war, but one of its side issues was a quarrel between Hugh and Pope John XV., who was supported by the empire, then under the rule of the empresses Adelaide and Theophano as regents for the young emperor Otto III.