
[ ped-i-gree ]
See synonyms for pedigree on
  1. an ancestral line; line of descent; lineage; ancestry.

  2. a genealogical table, chart, list, or record, especially of a purebred animal.

  1. distinguished, excellent, or pure ancestry.

  2. derivation, origin, or history: the pedigree of a word.

Origin of pedigree

1375–1425; late Middle English pedegru, from Anglo-French, equivalent to Middle French pie de grue literally, “foot of crane,” a fanciful way of describing the appearance of the lines of a genealogical chart

synonym study For pedigree

2. Pedigree, genealogy refer to an account of ancestry. A pedigree is a table or chart recording a line of ancestors, either of persons or (more especially) of animals, as horses, cattle, and dogs; in the case of animals, such a table is used as proof of superior qualities: a detailed pedigree. A genealogy is an account of the descent of a person or family traced through a series of generations, usually from the first known ancestor: a genealogy that includes a king.

Other words from pedigree

  • ped·i·gree·less, adjective

Words Nearby pedigree Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use pedigree in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for pedigree


/ (ˈpɛdɪˌɡriː) /

    • the line of descent of a purebred animal

    • (as modifier): a pedigree bull

  1. a document recording this

  1. a genealogical table, esp one indicating pure ancestry

  2. derivation or background: the pedigree of an idea

Origin of pedigree

C15: from Old French pie de grue crane's foot, alluding to the spreading lines used in a genealogical chart

Derived forms of pedigree

  • pedigreed, adjective

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