

View synonyms for propagation


[ prop-uh-gey-shuhn ]


  1. the act of propagating.
  2. the fact of being propagated.
  3. multiplication by natural reproduction.
  4. transmission or dissemination.

    Synonyms: diffusion, dispersion

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Other Words From

  • propa·gation·al adjective
  • nonprop·a·gation noun
  • self-propa·gation noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of propagation1

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English propagacyon, from Latin propāgātiōn-, stem of propāgātiō; equivalent to propagate + -ion
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Example Sentences

"We converted what was our old propagation room, covered all the cement and concrete with old wood from the polytunnel benches," Ruth explained.

From BBC

The law prohibits any farming activity involving the “propagation, cultivation, maintenance, or harvest of any species of octopus for the purpose of human consumption.”

With a large area of marshes and rice fields, the Guadalquivir Valley has an eco-system that encourages the propagation of mosquitoes.

From BBC

But someone in L.A. could have felt the “S” wave, in which bedrock oscillates perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the wave, according to Page.

Presently, we find ourselves in the ninth consecutive year of such violence propagation.

From Salon


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