


[ raw-ty-ryey; English roh-toor-ee-ey, -tyoor- ]


, French.
, plural ro·tu·riers [r, aw-t, y, -, ryey, roh-, toor, -ee-eyz, -, tyoor, -].
  1. a person of low rank; plebeian.

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Example Sentences

“This sudden closure is sending a bad signal that Malaysia is not capable to fulfill its global supply as a leading medical glove producer,” Chairman Mathieu Roturier was quoted as saying.

From Reuters

I passed recklessly through all the smart equipages from which the most refined English ladies looked at me; while I thought it may one day actually come to pass that you who are now looking down on the roturier, may shake hands with him, the only difference being a little clean linen and so forth.

I was summoned to play before the Queen, and the Court; there all was proper and polite, and polished, and every time you moved your elbow, you pushed against an Excellency; the most smooth and complimentary phrases circulated in the room, and I, the roturier, stood in the midst of them, with my citizen heart, and my aching head!

Although the political power of the French baron is so much greater than that of an English lord, the roturier often keeps his distance from the serf better than was the case in England.

The king promoted his admiral, Tourville, and Catinat, the roturier, to the marshalship, and founded the military order of St Louis on the 10th of April.



