sell out
- to dispose of (supplies of something) completely by selling Also (chiefly Brit)sell up
- to betray, esp through a secret agreement
- informal.intr to abandon one's principles, standards, etc
- informal.a performance for which all tickets are sold
- a commercial success
- informal.a betrayal
- informal.a person who betrays their principles, standards, friends, etc
Example Sentences
The Dallas Cowboys sell out their state-of-the art football stadium.
In other words, the sell-out centrists have a higher number than the unreconstructed lefties!
With over 200 performances a year, the Met needs to sell 4,000 tickets to each of them in order to sell out.
With an increased initial production run from 6,000 to 10,000 copies, the fourth issue is expected to sell out.
If a magazine had a cover with art by Leyendecker, it was guaranteed to sell out.
Carshalton is going too, and, as they can't sell out to any one we don't approve of, the rest insisted on me seeing you.
After he had married her, he'd sell out this pile of junk and let somebody else haggle with the Injuns and cowpunchers.
He thought he would act as Spitzhase had often recommended, and sell out his shares in small quantities until they were all gone.
When I got on to my splendid terrace window overlooking the garden I was ready to sell out at any price.
She has agreed to sell out her country, the land she was born in, for hire.