
[ sen-uh ]

  1. any plant, shrub, or tree belonging to the genus Cassia, of the legume family, having pinnate leaves and large clusters of flowers.

  2. any of various cathartic drugs consisting of the dried leaflets of certain of these plants, as one drug (Alexandrian senna ) derived from C. acutifolia, or another (Tinnevelly senna ) derived from C. angustifolia.

Origin of senna

1535–45; <New Latin <Arabic sanā Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use senna in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for senna (1 of 2)


/ (ˈsɛnə) /

  1. any of various tropical plants of the leguminous genus Cassia, esp C. angustifolia (Arabian senna) and C. acutifolia (Alexandrian senna), having typically yellow flowers and long pods

  2. senna leaf the dried leaflets of any of these plants, used as a cathartic and laxative

  1. senna pods the dried fruits of any of these plants, used as a cathartic and laxative

Origin of senna

C16: via New Latin from Arabic sanā

British Dictionary definitions for Senna (2 of 2)


/ (ˈsɛnə) /

  1. Ayrton (ˈɛətən). 1960–94, Brazilian racing driver: world champion (1988, 1990, 1991)

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