sex ratio
- the proportional distribution of the sexes in a population aggregate, expressed as the number of males per 100 females.
Word History and Origins
Origin of sex ratio1
Example Sentences
This is the first time the sex ratio has tipped in favour of females.
India’s decades-long efforts to improve the sex ratio may be finally bearing fruit.
Such movements are revealed by trapping procedures that yield deviations from the expected 1:1 sex ratio.
Of course, such hiatuses are to be expected; even in man such enigmas as the disparate sex ratio still challenge the investigator.
I regard the summer sex ratio as a distorted one, brought about by the greater activity of the males in the breeding season.
Judging from trends in the small samples available, sex ratio in hatchlings is approximately 1:1.
Even the sex ratio of adult deer killed in wolf-free areas shows a preponderance of males (Erickson et al. 1961).