

sheet film


, Photography.
  1. a flat piece of film cut to a required size before being loaded into a camera.

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The company does recycling of business paper, cardboard, sheet film and similar items but not residential recycling.

In her appreciation of Ellis after his death in 1989, Post photographer Linda Wheeler wrote that even after photojournalists switched from sheet film to roll film, Ellis preferred to load his 35mm Nikons with 20-frame rolls.

Satisfied with the composition and interplay of light and dark, he loaded sheet film into his camera and set the exposure at a very precise 2 minutes, 30 seconds.

Using 4-by-5-inch sheet film in holders, the camera was a popular hand and tripod model among amateurs providing a universal, quality camera at a moderate cost.

In the 19th century, France said, new photographic methods emerged nearly every year: from daguerreotype to collotype, from paper negatives to glass negatives, from sheet film to roll film.



