View synonyms for slide rule
slide rule
- a device for performing mathematical calculations, consisting essentially of a ruler having a sliding piece moving along it, both marked with graduated, usually logarithmic, scales: now largely replaced by the electronic calculator.
slide rule
- a mechanical calculating device consisting of two strips, one sliding along a central groove in the other, each strip graduated in two or more logarithmic scales of numbers, trigonometric functions, etc. It employs the same principles as logarithm tables
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Word History and Origins
Origin of slide rule1
1655–65 for earlier sense; 1875–80 for current sense
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Example Sentences
I walked to Greenwich, studying the slide rule for measuring of timber, which is very fine.
From Project Gutenberg
I swallowed, and took out my notebook and pencil, and laid my pocket slide rule in front of me.
From Project Gutenberg
He readjusted the slide rule and slid the hairline over a bit.
From Project Gutenberg
He sat in the big chair with his feet sticking straight out in front of him and played with a slide rule.
From Project Gutenberg
The use of a slide rule will make this transference to a new average very easy.
From Project Gutenberg