
[ sohk ]
See synonyms for: soaksoakedsoaking on

verb (used without object)
  1. to lie in and become saturated or permeated with water or some other liquid.

  2. to pass, as a liquid, through pores, holes, or the like: The rain soaked through the tear in the umbrella.

  1. to be thoroughly wet: Her shoes and socks were soaking and her feet were freezing.

  2. to penetrate or become known to the mind or feelings (followed by in): The lesson didn't soak in.

  3. Informal. to drink immoderately, especially alcoholic beverages: They were soaking at the bar.

verb (used with object)
  1. to place or keep in liquid in order to saturate thoroughly; steep.

  2. to wet thoroughly; saturate or drench.

  1. to permeate thoroughly, as liquid or moisture does.

  2. Metallurgy. to heat (a piece) for reworking.

  3. Informal. to intoxicate (oneself) by drinking an excess of liquor.

  4. Slang. to beat hard; punish severely: I was soaked for that mistake.

  5. to extract or remove by or as by soaking (often followed by out): to soak a stain out of a napkin.

  6. Slang. to overcharge: He was soaked by the waiter.

  1. the act or state of soaking or the state of being soaked.

  2. the liquid in which anything is soaked.

  1. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a habitual drinker of alcohol who is frequently intoxicated; a heavy drinker.

  2. Australian. any small area of land, as near a spring or at the foot of a hill, that becomes swamplike or holds water after a period of heavy rain.

Verb Phrases
  1. soak up,

    • to absorb or take in or up by absorption: Blotting paper soaks up ink.

    • to absorb with one's mind or senses; take in: to soak up information.

    • Slang. to drink to excess: He can really soak up the booze.

Origin of soak

First recorded before 1000; Middle English soken, Old English sōcian; akin to suck

synonym study For soak

7. See wet.

Other words for soak

Opposites for soak

Other words from soak

  • soak·er, noun
  • soak·ing·ly, adverb
  • o·ver·soak, verb
  • re·soak, verb
  • un·soaked, adjective
  • well-soaked, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use soak in a sentence

  • Jim huddled himself up like the rest: the crew turned in soaking, and woke up steaming, just as the men do even nowadays.

    The Chequers | James Runciman
  • The dragon lies full length, half sleeping, on the soaking cloud.

    The Dragon Painter | Mary McNeil Fenollosa
  • About 15 minutes of soaking will be sufficient to make them pliable enough to bend over at right angles.

  • I will not permit you to take your soaking clothes upstairs.

    A German Pompadour | Marie Hay
  • Fresh blood was soaking through the cloth around his shoulder—a strip of blue gingham torn from Nancy's dress, White Bear now saw.

    Shaman | Robert Shea

British Dictionary definitions for soak


/ (səʊk) /

  1. to make, become, or be thoroughly wet or saturated, esp by immersion in a liquid

  2. (when intr, usually foll by in or into) (of a liquid) to penetrate or permeate

  1. (tr; usually foll by in or up) (of a permeable solid) to take in (a liquid) by absorption: the earth soaks up rainwater

  2. (tr; foll by out or out of) to remove by immersion in a liquid: she soaked the stains out of the dress

  3. (tr) metallurgy to heat (a metal) prior to working

  4. informal to drink excessively or make or become drunk

  5. (tr) US and Canadian slang to overcharge

  6. (tr) British slang to put in pawn

  1. the act of immersing in a liquid or the period of immersion

  2. the liquid in which something may be soaked, esp a solution containing detergent

  1. another name for soakage (def. 3)

  2. British informal a heavy rainfall

  3. slang a person who drinks to excess

Origin of soak

Old English sōcian to cook; see suck

Derived forms of soak

  • soaker, noun
  • soaking, noun, adjective

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