

St. Augustine

[ aw-guh-steen ]


  1. a seacoast city in NE Florida: founded by the Spanish 1565; oldest city in the U.S.; resort.

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St. Augustine, for instance, did not believe the Earth was “really” created in seven “actual” days.

In the presence of grace, the courageous spirit testifies, as St. Augustine and John Lennon did, that we are the circumstances.

Another image by Piero della Francesca, from his St. Augustine Altarpiece and now on view at the Frick Collection in New York.

Two of his favorite short lives are Henry James on Hawthorne and Rebecca West on St. Augustine.

It all began when the two met in the early months of summer at a St. Augustine Barnes & Noble bookstore.

Here, in the year 600, St. Augustine preached before the cathedral was built.

Over one hundred panegyrics of various saints written by St. Augustine are still extant.

St. Augustine complains of certain vagabond monks who went about selling relics of the martyrs, if indeed martyrs they were.

It is, in my opinion, very singular that Bayle should pretend to be more severe than St. Augustine.

The chancel, originally but 20 feet long, is variously conjectured to be Roman work or to have been built by St. Augustine.





StauffenbergSt. Augustine grass