1[ suhl-foh ]
2- variant of sulf-, especially before a consonant:
Words That Use sulfo-
What does sulfo- mean?
The combining form sulfo- is used like a prefix meaning “sulfur,” a nonmetallic element known for its distinctive odor. This form is used in a few scientific terms, especially in chemistry.
The form sulfo- comes from Latin sulfur, meaning both “sulfur” and “brimstone.”
What are variants of sulfo-?
The form sulfo- is a variant of sulf-, which gains an -o- when combined with words or word elements beginning with consonants. In British English, sulfo- is spelled sulph- or sulpho-, as in sulphide. Want to know more? Read our Words That Use articles for these combining forms.
Examples of sulfo-
One example of a scientific term that features the form sulfo- is sulfotransferase, “an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a sulfate group from one compound to the hydroxyl group of another.”
The word sulfotransferase is made of three parts: sulfo- + transfer + -ase. The sulfo- part of the word means “sulfur,” while the suffix -ase is used to name enzymes. Sulfotransferase literally means “sulfur-transfer(ing) enzyme.”
What are some words that use the combining form sulfo-?
What are some other forms that sulfo- may be commonly confused with?
Break it down!
Salicylic acid is a white, crystalline, very slightly water-soluble powder with a number of commercial applications. Keeping in mind the meaning of sulfo-, what is a property of sulfosalicylic acid?