
[ tey-per, tuh-peer ]
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noun,plural ta·pirs, (especially collectively) ta·pir.
  1. any of several large, stout, three-toed ungulates of the family Tapiridae, of Central and South America, the Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra, somewhat resembling swine and having a long, flexible snout: all species are threatened or endangered.

Origin of tapir

1560–70; ≪ Tupi tapira

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Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use tapir in a sentence

  • One can cite but the sole example of the American tapir where the male is smaller than the female.

  • The tapir is a very large animal,—about five or six feet long and three or four feet high.

    Martin Rattler | R.M. Ballantyne
  • The tapir lives as much in the water as on the land, and delights to wallow like a pig in muddy pools.

    Martin Rattler | R.M. Ballantyne
  • Then Martin turned to fly, but at the same moment the tapir did the same, to his great delight and surprise.

    Martin Rattler | R.M. Ballantyne
  • The tapir stopped feeding for a moment, but then recommenced, though evidently not222 with as much eagerness as before.

British Dictionary definitions for tapir


/ (ˈteɪpə) /

nounplural -pirs or -pir
  1. any perissodactyl mammal of the genus Tapirus, such as T. indicus (Malayan tapir), of South and Central America and SE Asia, having an elongated snout, three-toed hind legs, and four-toed forelegs: family Tapiridae

Origin of tapir

C18: from Tupi tapiira

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