


[ thur-moh-reg-yuh-ley-shuhn ]


, Physiology.
  1. the regulation of body temperature.


/ thûr′mō-rĕg′yə-lāshən /

  1. Maintenance of a constant internal body temperature independent of the environmental temperature. Thermoregulation in humans is effected through metabolic activity and sweating.

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Other Words From

  • ther·mo·reg·u·la·to·ry [thur-moh-, reg, -y, uh, -l, uh, -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee], adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of thermoregulation1

First recorded in 1925–30; thermo- + regulation
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Example Sentences

Initially, they most likely evolved for thermoregulation, for camouflage, and as a signaling mechanism to communicate and attract mates.

Our early ancestors employed persistence hunting—chasing speedy game for hours in the heat of the day—to turn human endurance and thermoregulation to their advantage.

Also, his heart is not challenged when delivering oxygenated blood to the working leg muscles, the brain, and to the skin for thermoregulation.

Each type of heat illness occurs when the human body can’t cool itself efficiently via thermoregulation.

It “crushed the competition in the thermoregulation test,” he wrote.

By such behavioral thermoregulation extremes of weather are neutralized, or at least buffered to some degree.

This allows it to use less energy than expected for thermoregulation at low temperatures.





thermoreceptorthermoremanent magnetization