


[ wilks ]


  1. Charles, 1798–1877, U.S. rear admiral and explorer.
  2. John, 1727–97, English political leader and journalist.
  3. Maurice, 1913–2010, English computer scientist.


/ wɪlks /


  1. WilkesCharles17981877MUSTRAVEL AND EXPLORATION: explorer Charles. 1798–1877, US explorer of Antarctica
  2. WilkesJohn17271797MEnglishPOLITICS: politician John. 1727–97, English politician, who was expelled from the House of Commons and outlawed for writing scurrilous articles about the government. He became a champion of parliamentary reform
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Prior to seeing Wilkes, the 65-year-old had declined a prescription for a harsh medication from a different doctor.

At Wilkes, however, Jordan soon began to feel that she didn’t fit in.

Wilkes’s death also heightened Rezba’s anxiety and her fears of bringing the coronavirus home to her family.

Marjorie Wilkes Huntley was a New Age feminist, a widow, and a librarian.

Many, maybe even most, want a guy with the sweetness of a Jimmy Stewart and sensitivity of Ashley Wilkes.

John Wilkes released from the tower by the memorable sentence of chief justice Pratt.

We find Wilkes as a poseur on literature in one of these entertaining letters to “dearest Polly.”

And now, having attained all he could desire, Wilkes sank the patriot in the courtier.

Wilkes was dangerously wounded in the duel, which was fought in November, 1763.

Serjeant Glynn, well known as the advocate of Wilkes, was afterwards elected as second member for Middlesex at a by-election.




