

View synonyms for wizened


[ wiz-uhnd; wee-zuhnd ]


  1. withered; shriveled:

    a wizened old man; wizened features.


/ ˈwɪzənd /


  1. shrivelled, wrinkled, or dried up, esp with age
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of wizened1

First recorded in 1505–15; wizen + -ed 2
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Example Sentences

Anker isn’t yet the wizened dean of the North Face but instead plays second fiddle to Lowe.

The relationship doesn’t always look like it once did, with the wizened elder guiding the naive upstart.

He even looks like Yoda, with his wizened, deeply-lined face.

Seventeen years later, Bird, 40, has assumed the role of wizened veteran, both on and off the court.

From Time

On this day, I think back to an interview I conducted several years ago with a tiny, wizened woman named Tran Thi Nhut.

As one wizened figure in The Dragon-Song Chronicle puts it, “Magic is not the only power in this world.”

She sighs exasperatedly and dispenses surprisingly lucid advice like a wizened old veteran.

This year, though, things were different: Retailers wizened up to the freebie-game—and found new ways for visitors to shop.

While no one was looking, Darth Vader has been replaced by a wizened, if still ornery, Grandpa Munster.

One was a little wizened man who seemed, for all his apparent age, extremely agile.

In the midst of the meal the officer reappeared, ushering in a small wizened-faced individual of unmistakably English appearance.

A wizened old Malay, with a crooked back and bereft of one eye, rose and shook a spear venomously.

His face looked old and wizened and haunted from the strain.

I looked more closely, and saw the wizened little old hunter who had shot Broken-Tooth out of the tree years before.




